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SanDiego350 Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Limit EPA Regulation of Carbon Emissions

SAN DIEGO – June 30, 2022. SanDiego350 today issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling on West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

“Today the Supreme Court sided with the fossil fuel industry in stripping the EPA’s ability to regulate carbon emissions from power plants and address climate change. While the court has shown they are determined to take the U.S. backwards on multiple issues, we refuse to let them have the last word on climate change and will continue to fight for aggressive policies that reduce emissions and protect our communities from pollution and extreme weather,” said Anne Sheridan, leader of SanDiego350’s Public Policy Team.

“We call on President Biden to use his executive power to act now at the scale of the crisis. He has the authority to stop fossil fuel extraction on public lands, ban export of fossil fuels, and issue an emergency declaration that enables him to invest in the renewable energy and transit infrastructure we desperately need,” said Danielle Wilkerson, SanDiego350’s Action and Equity Coordinator.  

“This devastating Supreme Court decision demonstrates why it’s so important for the City of San Diego to lead on climate by advancing a Climate Action Plan update that is aggressive on reducing emissions and promoting environmental justice and which includes a realistic, transparent implementation plan and concrete accountability,” said Keala Minna-Choe, a high school sophomore who serves on SanDiego350’s Board and lead’s the organization’s Youth v. Oil Campaign.

“On the heels of recent SCOTUS gut-punch decisions setting the U.S. backwards on fundamental rights to abortion health care, voting, and safety from gun violence, this ruling makes it imperative for climate advocates to stand together with diverse allies to demand the just and sustainable future we need and want,” said Joyce Lane, SanDiego350 Board President.


SanDiego350 is building a movement to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and climate injustice through education and outreach, public policy advocacy, and mobilizing people to take action.

One Response

  1. All the demonstrations,
    all the rallies,
    all the marches,
    all the meetings,
    all the posters,
    all the leaflets,
    all the T-shirts,
    all the poems,
    all the calendars,
    all the media,
    all the chants,
    all the songs,
    all the articles,
    all the speeches,
    all the ballots,
    all the study,
    all the debate,
    all the data,
    all the reports,
    all the future, and
    all hope just went, “POOF!”
    “[ . . . ] or maybe that technology leads to its own destruction [ . . . ]”

    – – Roger Coppock, AKA Mr. Climate T-shirt

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